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The spherical Bessel function of the first kind, denoted j_nu(z), is defined by j_nu(z)=sqrt(pi/(2z))J_(nu+1/2)(z), (1) where J_nu(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind ...
A transition function describes the difference in the way an object is described in two separate, overlapping coordinate charts, where the description of the same set may ...
The cubic formula is the closed-form solution for a cubic equation, i.e., the roots of a cubic polynomial. A general cubic equation is of the form z^3+a_2z^2+a_1z+a_0=0 (1) ...
A polynomial is a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers in one or more variables multiplied by coefficients. A polynomial in one variable (i.e., a univariate ...
In a given circle, find an isosceles triangle whose legs pass through two given points inside the circle. This can be restated as: from two points in the plane of a circle, ...
A game played with two dice. If the total is 7 or 11 (a "natural"), the thrower wins and retains the dice for another throw. If the total is 2, 3, or 12 ("craps"), the ...
Discrete mathematics is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can assume only distinct, separated values. The term "discrete mathematics" is therefore used in ...
The elliptic lambda function lambda(tau) is a lambda-modular function defined on the upper half-plane by lambda(tau)=(theta_2^4(0,q))/(theta_3^4(0,q)), (1) where tau is the ...
Let E_1(x) be the En-function with n=1, E_1(x) = int_1^infty(e^(-tx)dt)/t (1) = int_x^infty(e^(-u)du)/u. (2) Then define the exponential integral Ei(x) by E_1(x)=-Ei(-x), (3) ...
Gaussian elimination is a method for solving matrix equations of the form Ax=b. (1) To perform Gaussian elimination starting with the system of equations [a_(11) a_(12) ... ...