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The first example discovered of a map from a higher-dimensional sphere to a lower-dimensional sphere which is not null-homotopic. Its discovery was a shock to the ...
The icosahedral group I_h is the group of symmetries of the icosahedron and dodecahedron having order 120, equivalent to the group direct product A_5×Z_2 of the alternating ...
Lagrange's identity is the algebraic identity (sum_(k=1)^na_kb_k)^2=(sum_(k=1)^na_k^2)(sum_(k=1)^nb_k^2)-sum_(1<=k<j<=n)(a_kb_j-a_jb_k)^2 (1) (Mitrinović 1970, p. 41; Marsden ...
O_h is the point group of symmetries of the octahedron having order 48 that includes inversion. It is also the symmetry group of the cube, cuboctahedron, and truncated ...
Gaussian curvature, sometimes also called total curvature (Kreyszig 1991, p. 131), is an intrinsic property of a space independent of the coordinate system used to describe ...
In the plane, the reflection property can be stated as three theorems (Ogilvy 1990, pp. 73-77): 1. The locus of the center of a variable circle, tangent to a fixed circle and ...
n-dimensional Euclidean space.
A bundle map is a map between bundles along with a compatible map between the base manifolds. Suppose p:X->M and q:Y->N are two bundles, then F:X->Y is a bundle map if there ...
A system for specifying points using coordinates measured in some specified way. The simplest coordinate system consists of coordinate axes oriented perpendicularly to each ...
Given a set of linear equations {a_1x+b_1y+c_1z=d_1; a_2x+b_2y+c_2z=d_2; a_3x+b_3y+c_3z=d_3, (1) consider the determinant D=|a_1 b_1 c_1; a_2 b_2 c_2; a_3 b_3 c_3|. (2) Now ...
