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The direction from an object A to another object B can be specified as a vector v=AB^-> with tail at A and head at B. However, since this vector has length equal to the ...
C=tauT+kappaB, where tau is the torsion, kappa is the curvature, T is the tangent vector, and B is the binormal vector.
A vector field v for which the curl vanishes, del xv=0.
A vector field on a circle in which the directions of the vectors are all at the same angle to the circle.
Scalar multiplication refers to the multiplication of a vector by a constant s, producing a vector in the same (for s>0) or opposite (for s<0) direction but of different ...
The orthogonal decomposition of a vector y in R^n is the sum of a vector in a subspace W of R^n and a vector in the orthogonal complement W^_|_ to W. The orthogonal ...
A vector norm defined for a vector x=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n], with complex entries by |x|_1=sum_(r=1)^n|x_r|. The L^1-norm |x|_1 of a vector x is implemented in the Wolfram ...
The ideal generated by a set in a vector space.
The sum of sets A and B in a vector space, equal to {a+b:a in A,b in B}.
A set of vectors is maximally linearly independent if including any other vector in the vector space would make it linearly dependent (i.e., if any other vector in the space ...