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A phase portrait is a plot of multiple phase curves corresponding to different initial conditions in the same phase plane (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase portraits for simple ...
For the rational curve of an unperturbed system with rotation number r/s under a map T (for which every point is a fixed point of T^s), only an even number of fixed points ...
In Euclidean space R^3, the curve that minimizes the distance between two points is clearly a straight line segment. This can be shown mathematically as follows using ...
A polar zonohedron is a convex zonohedron derived from the star which joins opposite vertices of any right n-gonal prism (for n even) or antiprism (for n odd). The faces of ...
A map defined by one or more polynomials. Given a field K, a polynomial map is a map f:K^n->K^m such that for all points (x_1,...,x_n) in K^n, ...
Consider solutions to the equation x^y=y^x. (1) Real solutions are given by x=y for x,y>0, together with the solution of (lny)/y=(lnx)/x, (2) which is given by ...
Triangle centers with triangle center functions of the form alpha=a^n are called nth power points. These points lie along the trilinear curve a^n:b^n:c^n that passes through ...
A positive number k such that a lamina or solid body with moment of inertia about an axis I and mass m is given by I=mk^2. Pickover (1995) defines a generalization of k as a ...
The reciprocal of a real or complex number z!=0 is its multiplicative inverse 1/z=z^(-1), i.e., z to the power -1. The reciprocal of zero is undefined. A plot of the ...
The term rectification is sometimes used to refer to the determination of the length of a curve. Rectification also refers to the operation which converts the midpoints of ...
