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471 - 480 of 2413 for Napoleon's TheoremSearch Results
In order for a band-limited (i.e., one with a zero power spectrum for frequencies nu>B) baseband (nu>0) signal to be reconstructed fully, it must be sampled at a rate nu>=2B. ...
The set of "critical values" of a map u:R^n->R^n of map class C^1 has Lebesgue measure 0 in R^n.
In any triangle, the locus of a point whose pedal triangle has a constant Brocard angle and is described in a given direction is a circle of the Schoute coaxal system.
Although a numerically computed chaotic trajectory diverges exponentially from the true trajectory with the same initial coordinates, there exists an errorless trajectory ...
Let f_1(z), ..., f_m(z) for m>=1 be a set of E-functions that (1) form a solution of the system of differential equations y_k^'=q_(k0)+sum_(j=1)^mq_(kj)y_j for q_(kj) in C(z) ...
The m+1 ellipsoidal harmonics when kappa_1, kappa_2, and kappa_3 are given can be arranged in such a way that the rth function has r-1 zeros between -a^2 and -b^2 and the ...
Let (K,|·|) be a complete non-Archimedean valuated field, with valuation ring R, and let f(X) be a power series with coefficients in R. Suppose at least one of the ...
Given three curves phi_1, phi_2, phi_3 with the common group of ordinary points G (which may be empty), let their remaining groups of intersections g_(23), g_(31), and g_(12) ...
The number of real roots of an algebraic equation with real coefficients whose real roots are simple over an interval, the endpoints of which are not roots, is equal to the ...
The external (internal) similarity point of two fixed circles is the point at which all the circles homogeneously (nonhomogeneously) tangent to the fixed circles have the ...