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1571 - 1580 of 2846 for Maximum Modulus TheoremSearch Results
An oriented knot is an oriented link of one component, or equivalently, it is a knot which has been given an orientation. Given an oriented knot K, reversing the orientation ...
Planck's's radiation function is the function f(x)=(15)/(pi^4)1/(x^5(e^(1/x)-1)), (1) which is normalized so that int_0^inftyf(x)dx=1. (2) However, the function is sometimes ...
A power mean is a mean of the form M_p(a_1,a_2,...,a_n)=(1/nsum_(k=1)^na_k^p)^(1/p), (1) where the parameter p is an affinely extended real number and all a_k>=0. A power ...
Let U=(U,<··>) be a T2 associative inner product space over the field C of complex numbers with completion H, and assume that U comes with an antilinear involution xi|->xi^* ...
Let phi(n) be any function, say analytic or integrable. Then int_0^inftyx^(s-1)sum_(k=0)^infty(-1)^kx^kphi(k)dx=(piphi(-s))/(sin(spi)) (1) and ...
The vector space tensor product V tensor W of two group representations of a group G is also a representation of G. An element g of G acts on a basis element v tensor w by ...
Let a closed interval [a,b] be partitioned by points a<x_1<x_2<...<x_(n-1)<b, where the lengths of the resulting intervals between the points are denoted Deltax_1, Deltax_2, ...
A stochastic approximation method that functions by placing conditions on iterative step sizes and whose convergence is guaranteed under mild conditions. However, the method ...
Let f be analytic on the unit disk, and assume that 1. |f(z)|<=1 for all z, and 2. f(a)=b for some a,b in D(0,1), the unit disk. Then |f^'(a)|<=(1-|b|^2)/(1-|a|^2). (1) ...
The scramble number sn(G) of a graph G is a graph invariant developed to aid in the study of gonality of graphs. The scramble number is NP-hard to compute (Echavarria et al. ...