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_2F_1(a,b;c;1)=((c-b)_(-a))/((c)_(-a))=(Gamma(c)Gamma(c-a-b))/(Gamma(c-a)Gamma(c-b)) for R[c-a-b]>0, where _2F_1(a,b;c;x) is a (Gauss) hypergeometric function. If a is a ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (1-x^2)y^('')-2(mu+1)xy^'+(nu-mu)(nu+mu+1)y=0 (1) sometimes called the hyperspherical differential equation (Iyanaga and ...
The Gelfond-Schneider constant is the number 2^(sqrt(2))=2.66514414... (OEIS A007507) that is known to be transcendental by Gelfond's theorem. Both the Gelfand-Schneider ...
A d-dimensional framework is a pair (G,p) where G=(V,E) is a graph with vertex set V and edge set E and p:V->R^d is a map that assigns a point in R^d to each vertex of G. The ...
Given a planar graph G, its geometric dual G^* is constructed by placing a vertex in each region of G (including the exterior region) and, if two regions have an edge x in ...
Analytic continuation gives an equivalence relation between function elements, and the equivalence classes induced by this relation are called global analytic functions.
The global clustering coefficient C of a graph G is the ratio of the number of closed trails of length 3 to the number of paths of length two in G. Let A be the adjacency ...
A 4×4 magic square in which the elements in each 2×2 corner have the same sum. Dürer's magic square, illustrated above, is an example of a gnomon magic square since the sums ...
The Goddard-Henning enneahedron, a term coined here, is the canonical polyhedron obtained from the Goddard-Henning graph. It has 9 vertices, 16 edges (consisting of 3 ...
If T is a set of axioms in a first-order language, and a statement p holds for any structure M satisfying T, then p can be formally deduced from T in some appropriately ...
