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A map projection on which the azimuths of all points are shown correctly with respect to the center (Snyder 1987, p. 4). A plane tangent to one of the Earth's poles is the ...
Given the direct sum of additive Abelian groups A direct sum B, A and B are called direct summands. The map i_1:A-->A direct sum B defined by i(a)=a direct sum 0 is called ...
Let G be a group and S be a set. Then S is called a left G-set if there exists a map phi:G×S->S such that phi(g_1,phi(g_2,s))=phi(g_1g_2,s) for all s in S and all g_1,g_2 in ...
A map projection defined by x = sin^(-1)[cosphisin(lambda-lambda_0)] (1) y = tan^(-1)[(tanphi)/(cos(lambda-lambda_0))]. (2) The inverse formulas are phi = sin^(-1)(sinDcosx) ...
Consider the circle map. If K is nonzero, then the motion is periodic in some finite region surrounding each rational Omega. This execution of periodic motion in response to ...
The vertical perspective projection is a map projection that corresponds to the appearance of a globe when directly viewed from some distance away with the z-axis of the ...
Two mathematical objects are said to be homotopic if one can be continuously deformed into the other. For example, the real line is homotopic to a single point, as is any ...
The power series that defines the exponential map e^x also defines a map between matrices. In particular, exp(A) = e^(A) (1) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)(A^n)/(n!) (2) = ...
A hyperbolic linear map R^n->R^n with integer entries in the transformation matrix and determinant +/-1 is an Anosov diffeomorphism of the n-torus, called an Anosov ...
Let G=SL(n,C). If lambda in Z^n is the highest weight of an irreducible holomorphic representation V of G, (i.e., lambda is a dominant integral weight), then the G-map ...
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