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The map x^' = x+1 (1) y^' = 2x+y+1, (2) which leaves the parabola x^('2)-y^'=(x+1)^2-(2x+y+1)=x^2-y (3) invariant.
A C^infty (infinitely differentiable) manifold is said to be a submanifold of a C^infty manifold M^' if M is a subset of M^' and the identity map of M into M^' is an ...
Let A be a closed convex subset of a Banach space and assume there exists a continuous map T sending A to a countably compact subset T(A) of A. Then T has fixed points.
If the Gauss map of a complete minimal surface omits a neighborhood of the sphere, then the surface is a plane. This was proven by Osserman (1959). Xavier (1981) subsequently ...
Let f:A->B be a map between sets A and B. Let Y subset= B. Then the preimage of Y under f is denoted by f^(-1)(Y), and is the set of all elements of A that map to elements in ...
For an algebra A, the associator is the trilinear map A×A×A->A given by (x,y,z)=(xy)z-x(yz). The associator is identically zero iff A is associative.
A subset X subset Y is said to be bicollared in Y if there exists an embedding b:X×[-1,1]->Y such that b(x,0)=x when x in X. The map b or its image is then said to be the ...
For a smooth harmonic map u:M->N, where del is the gradient, Ric is the Ricci curvature tensor, and Riem is the Riemann tensor.
A Mandelbrot set-like fractal obtained by iterating the map z_(n+1)=z_n^3+(z_0-1)z_n-z_0.
A continuous vector bundle is a vector bundle pi:E->M with only the structure of a topological manifold. The map pi is continuous. It has no smooth structure or bundle metric.
