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21 - 30 of 2765 for Linear Recurrence EquationSearch Results
A sum of the elements from some set with constant coefficients placed in front of each. For example, a linear combination of the vectors x, y, and z is given by ax+by+cz, ...
A linear code over a finite field with q elements F_q is a linear subspace C subset F_q^n. The vectors forming the subspace are called codewords. When codewords are chosen ...
A linear extension of a partially ordered set P is a permutation of the elements p_1, p_2, ... of P such that p_i<p_j implies i<j. For example, the linear extensions of the ...
The kernel of a linear transformation T:V-->W between vector spaces is its null space.
A linear approximation to a function f(x) at a point x_0 can be computed by taking the first term in the Taylor series f(x_0+Deltax)=f(x_0)+f^'(x_0)Deltax+....
A method for generating random (pseudorandom) numbers using the linear recurrence relation X_(n+1)=aX_n+c (mod m), where a and c must assume certain fixed values, m is some ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra, then a linear functional f on A is said to be positive if it is a positive map, that is f(a)>=0 for all a in A_+. Every positive linear functional is ...
A mathematical relationship expressing f_n as some combination of f_i with i<n. When formulated as an equation to be solved, recurrence relations are known as recurrence ...
There are at least two distinct notions of linear space throughout mathematics. The term linear space is most commonly used within functional analysis as a synonym of the ...
An invertible linear transformation T:V->W is a map between vector spaces V and W with an inverse map which is also a linear transformation. When T is given by matrix ...
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