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1921 - 1930 of 2765 for Linear Recurrence EquationSearch Results
If a continuous function defined on an interval is sometimes positive and sometimes negative, it must be 0 at some point. Bolzano (1817) proved the theorem (which effectively ...
The bootstrap method is a computer-based method for assigning measures of accuracy to sample estimates (Efron and Tibshirani 1994). This technique allows estimation of the ...
An n-bridge knot is a knot with bridge number n. The set of 2-bridge knots is identical to the set of rational knots. If L is a 2-bridge knot, then the BLM/Ho polynomial Q ...
The (weak) Bruhat graph B_n of order n is the simple graph having have all permutations of {1,2,...,n} as vertices, and with an edge between pairs of permutations that differ ...
A bundle map is a map between bundles along with a compatible map between the base manifolds. Suppose p:X->M and q:Y->N are two bundles, then F:X->Y is a bundle map if there ...
A cadlag function is a function, defined on R or a subset of R, that is right continuous and has a left limit. The acronym cadlag comes from the French "continue à droite, ...
The word canonical is used to indicate a particular choice from of a number of possible conventions. This convention allows a mathematical object or class of objects to be ...
Let g:R->R be a function and let h>0, and define the cardinal series of g with respect to the interval h as the formal series sum_(k=-infty)^inftyg(kh)sinc((x-kh)/h), where ...
Inscribe a triangle in a circle such that the sides of the triangle pass through three given points A, B, and C.
The parameters alpha, beta, gamma, and delta which, like the three Euler angles, provide a way to uniquely characterize the orientation of a solid body. These parameters ...
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