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If a line intersects one of two parallel lines, both of which are coplanar with the original line, then it must intersect the other also. This axiom is equivalent to the ...
Given two curves C_1 and C_2 and a fixed point O, let a line from O cut C_1 at Q and C_2 at R. Then the locus of a point P such that OP=QR is the cissoid. The word cissoid ...
A line segment on the boundary of a face, also called a side.
A point-to-line and line-to-point transformation which transforms points A into lines a^' and lines b into points B^' such that a^' passes through B^' iff A^' lies on b.
Young's geometry is a finite geometry which satisfies the following five axioms: 1. There exists at least one line. 2. Every line of the geometry has exactly three points on ...
A polyiamond consisting of equilateral triangles arranged along a line.
A point which does not lie on at least one ordinary line.
The straight polyomino of order n is the n-polyomino in which all squares are placed along a line.
A set in R^d is concave if it does not contain all the line segments connecting any pair of its points. If the set does contain all the line segments, it is called convex.
Through any point in the plane, there is at most one straight line parallel to a given straight line. This axiom is equivalent to the parallel postulate.