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An algebraic surface which can be represented implicitly by a polynomial of degree six in x, y, and z. Examples of quartic surfaces include the Barth sextic, Boy surface, ...
The sigmoid function, also called the sigmoidal curve (von Seggern 2007, p. 148) or logistic function, is the function y=1/(1+e^(-x)). (1) It has derivative (dy)/(dx) = ...
Significance arithmetic is the arithmetic of approximate numerical quantities that not only keeps track of numerical results, but also uses error propagation to track their ...
The silver constant is the algebraic number given by S = (x^3-5x^2+6x-1)_3 (1) = 2+2cos(2/7pi) (2) = 3.246979603... (3) (OEIS A116425), where (P(x))_n denotes a polynomial ...
A transformation that preserves angles and changes all distances in the same ratio, called the ratio of magnification. A similarity can also be defined as a transformation ...
Starting with a triangle, draw a circle touching two sides. Then draw a circle tangent to this circle and two other sides. Continue in the same direction. The result is a ...
X is a spherical t-design in E iff it is possible to exactly determine the average value on E of any polynomial f of degree at most t by sampling f at the points of X. In ...
The Lie derivative of a spinor psi is defined by L_Xpsi(x)=lim_(t->0)(psi^~_t(x)-psi(x))/t, where psi^~_t is the image of psi by a one-parameter group of isometries with X ...
The extension field K of a field F is called a splitting field for the polynomial f(x) in F[x] if f(x) factors completely into linear factors in K[x] and f(x) does not factor ...
The square knot, also called the reef knot, is a composite knot of six crossings consisting of a knot sum of a trefoil knot and its mirror image (Rolfsen 1976, p. 220). The ...
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