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971 - 980 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results

Let ad=bc, then (1) This can also be expressed by defining (2) (3) Then F_(2m)(a,b,c,d)=a^(2m)f_(2m)(x,y), (4) and identity (1) can then be written ...
Suppose that in some neighborhood of x=0, F(x)=sum_(k=0)^infty(phi(k)(-x)^k)/(k!) (1) for some function (say analytic or integrable) phi(k). Then ...
Let a sequence be defined by A_(-1) = s (1) A_0 = 3 (2) A_1 = r (3) A_n = rA_(n-1)-sA_(n-2)+A_(n-3). (4) Also define the associated polynomial f(x)=x^3-rx^2+sx+1, (5) and let ...
A set S of integers is said to be recursive if there is a total recursive function f(x) such that f(x)=1 for x in S and f(x)=0 for x not in S. Any recursive set is also ...
The regular hendecagon is the regular polygon with 11 sides, as illustrated above, and has Schläfli symbol {11}. The regular hendecagon cannot be constructed using the ...
A regular ring in the sense of commutative algebra is a commutative unit ring such that all its localizations at prime ideals are regular local rings. In contrast, a von ...
The sequence obtained from reversing the digits of a number n and adding the result to the original number. For n=1, 2, ..., this gives 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 11, ...
A figurate number which is constructed as a centered cube with a square pyramid appended to each face, RhoDod_n = CCub_n+6P_(n-1)^((4)) (1) = (2n-1)(2n^2-2n+1), (2) where ...
The spectrum of a ring is the set of proper prime ideals, Spec(R)={p:p is a prime ideal in R}. (1) The classical example is the spectrum of polynomial rings. For instance, ...
The Robertson-Seymour theorem, also called the graph minor theorem, is a generalization of the Kuratowski reduction theorem by Robertson and Seymour, which states that the ...
