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A root of a polynomial P(z) is a number z_i such that P(z_i)=0. The fundamental theorem of algebra states that a polynomial P(z) of degree n has n roots, some of which may be ...
The rank polynomial R(x,y) of a general graph G is the function defined by R(x,y)=sum_(S subset= E(G))x^(r(S))y^(s(S)), (1) where the sum is taken over all subgraphs (i.e., ...
The coboundary polynomial chi^__G(q,t) is a bivariate graph polynomial which can be expressed in terms of the Tutte polynomial T_G(x,y) of a graph G by ...
The Conway polynomial del _L(x), sometimes known as the Conway-Alexander polynomial, is a modified version of the Alexander polynomial Delta_L(x) that was formulated by J. H. ...
A polynomial of the form f(x)=a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0 having coefficients a_i that are all integers. An integer polynomial gives integer values for all integer ...
A polynomial P(x) that, when evaluated over each x in the domain of definition, results in the same value. The simplest example is P(x)=c for x in R and c a constant.
Let F(n) be a family of partitions of n and let F(n,d) denote the set of partitions in F(n) with Durfee square of size d. The Durfee polynomial of F(n) is then defined as the ...
Let Gamma be an algebraic curve in a projective space of dimension n, and let p be the prime ideal defining Gamma, and let chi(p,m) be the number of linearly independent ...
Let s_k be the number of independent vertex sets of cardinality k in a graph G. The polynomial I(x)=sum_(k=0)^(alpha(G))s_kx^k, (1) where alpha(G) is the independence number, ...
A polynomial in more than one variable, e.g., .
