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521 - 530 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results
The approximation of a piecewise monotonic function f by a polynomial with the same monotonicity. Such comonotonic approximations can always be accomplished with nth degree ...
Given an affine variety V in the n-dimensional affine space K^n, where K is an algebraically closed field, the coordinate ring of V is the quotient ring ...
A sequence s_n^((lambda))(x)=[h(t)]^lambdas_n(x), where s_n(x) is a Sheffer sequence, h(t) is invertible, and lambda ranges over the real numbers is called a Steffensen ...
The cubic formula is the closed-form solution for a cubic equation, i.e., the roots of a cubic polynomial. A general cubic equation is of the form z^3+a_2z^2+a_1z+a_0=0 (1) ...
A limiting case in which a class of object changes its nature so as to belong to another, usually simpler, class. For example, the point is a degenerate case of the circle as ...
Differential algebra is a field of mathematics that attempts to use methods from abstract algebra to study solutions of systems of polynomial nonlinear ordinary and partial ...
There exists a triangulation point Y for which the triangles BYC, CYA, and AYB have equal Brocard angles. This point is a triangle center known as the equi-Brocard center and ...
Erdős and Heilbronn (Erdős and Graham 1980) posed the problem of estimating from below the number of sums a+b where a in A and b in B range over given sets A,B subset= Z/pZ ...
Let a prime number generated by Euler's prime-generating polynomial n^2+n+41 be known as an Euler prime. (Note that such primes are distinct from prime Euler numbers, which ...
The extangents circle is the circumcircle of the extangents triangle. Its center function is a complicated 9th-order polynomial and its circle function is a complicated ...
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