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1151 - 1160 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results
A piecewise polynomial function that can have a locally very simple form, yet at the same time be globally flexible and smooth. Splines are very useful for modeling arbitrary ...
An intrinsic property of a mathematical object which causes it to remain invariant under certain classes of transformations (such as rotation, reflection, inversion, or more ...
The biconnected graph theta_0 on seven nodes and seven edges illustrated above. It has chromatic polynomial pi_(theta_0)(z)=z^7-8z^6+28z^5-56z^4+68z^3-47z^2+14z and chromatic ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/7 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 7 is not a ...
Roman (1984, p. 2) describes umbral calculus as the study of the class of Sheffer sequences. Umbral calculus provides a formalism for the systematic derivation and ...
The tensor product of two vector spaces V and W, denoted V tensor W and also called the tensor direct product, is a way of creating a new vector space analogous to ...
The Whittaker functions arise as solutions to the Whittaker differential equation. The linearly independent solutions to this equation are M_(k,m)(z) = ...
A knot property, also called the twist number, defined as the sum of crossings p of a link L, w(L)=sum_(p in C(L))epsilon(p), (1) where epsilon(p) defined to be +/-1 if the ...
Wynn's epsilon-method is a method for numerical evaluation of sums and products that samples a number of additional terms in the series and then tries to extrapolate them by ...
The Newton-Cotes formulas are an extremely useful and straightforward family of numerical integration techniques. To integrate a function f(x) over some interval [a,b], ...
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