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11 - 20 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results
The Legendre transform of a sequence {c_k} is the sequence {a_k} with terms given by a_n = sum_(k=0)^(n)(n; k)(n+k; k)c_k (1) = sum_(k=0)^(n)(2k; k)(n+k; n-k)c_k, (2) where ...
Legendre's formula counts the number of positive integers less than or equal to a number x which are not divisible by any of the first a primes, (1) where |_x_| is the floor ...
Given a function of two variables df = (partialf)/(partialx)dx+(partialf)/(partialy)dy (1) = udx+vdy, (2) change the differentials from dx and dy to du and dy with the ...
Legendre's constant is the number 1.08366 in Legendre's guess at the prime number theorem pi(n)=n/(lnn-A(n)) with lim_(n->infty)A(n) approx 1.08366. Legendre first published ...
Let E(k) and K(k) be complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds, with E^'(k) and K^'(k) the complementary integrals. Then ...
Legendre's conjecture asserts that for every n there exists a prime p between n^2 and (n+1)^2 (Hardy and Wright 1979, p. 415; Ribenboim 1996, pp. 397-398). It is one of ...
The function defined by chi_nu(z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(z^(2k+1))/((2k+1)^nu). (1) It is related to the polylogarithm by chi_nu(z) = 1/2[Li_nu(z)-Li_nu(-z)] (2) = ...
A prime factorization algorithm in which a sequence of trial divisors is chosen using a quadratic sieve. By using quadratic residues of N, the quadratic residues of the ...
Gamma functions of argument 2z can be expressed in terms of gamma functions of smaller arguments. From the definition of the beta function, ...
Any of the three standard forms in which an elliptic integral can be expressed.
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