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1071 - 1080 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results

A braid is an intertwining of some number of strings attached to top and bottom "bars" such that each string never "turns back up." In other words, the path of each string in ...
An equation representing a locus L in the n-dimensional Euclidean space. It has the form L:f(x_1,...,x_n)=0, (1) where the left-hand side is some expression of the Cartesian ...
A moment mu_n of a univariate probability density function P(x) taken about the mean mu=mu_1^', mu_n = <(x-<x>)^n> (1) = int(x-mu)^nP(x)dx, (2) where <X> denotes the ...
The term "characteristic" has many different uses in mathematics. In general, it refers to some property that inherently describes a given mathematical object, for example ...
A clique of a graph G is a complete subgraph of G, and the clique of largest possible size is referred to as a maximum clique (which has size known as the (upper) clique ...
Coding theory, sometimes called algebraic coding theory, deals with the design of error-correcting codes for the reliable transmission of information across noisy channels. ...
A complete graph is a graph in which each pair of graph vertices is connected by an edge. The complete graph with n graph vertices is denoted K_n and has (n; 2)=n(n-1)/2 (the ...
A strongly regular graph with parameters (n,k,a,c) has graph eigenvalues k, theta, and tau, where theta = ((a-c)+sqrt(Delta))/2 (1) tau = ((a-c)-sqrt(Delta))/2 (2) where ...
The connected domination number of a connected graph G, denoted d(G), is the size of a minimum connected dominating set of a graph G. The maximum leaf number l(G) and ...
The contact triangle of a triangle DeltaABC, also called the intouch triangle, is the triangle DeltaC_AC_BC_C formed by the points of tangency of the incircle of DeltaABC ...
