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871 - 880 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results
A spanning tree of a graph on n vertices is a subset of n-1 edges that form a tree (Skiena 1990, p. 227). For example, the spanning trees of the cycle graph C_4, diamond ...
In simple terms, let x, y, and z be members of an algebra. Then the algebra is said to be associative if x·(y·z)=(x·y)·z, (1) where · denotes multiplication. More formally, ...
A multiway system that generates causal networks which are all isomorphic as acyclic digraphs is said to exhibit causal invariance, and the causal network itself is also said ...
A causal network is an acyclic digraph arising from an evolution of a substitution system, and representing its history. The illustration above shows a causal network ...
A reduction system is said to posses the Church-Rosser property if, for all x and y such that x<->_*y, there exists a z such that x->_*z and y->_*z. A reduction system is ...
A code is a set of n-tuples of elements ("words") taken from an alphabet. The designation "code n" is also given to the nth totalistic cellular automaton in Wolfram's ...
A monoid that is commutative i.e., a monoid M such that for every two elements a and b in M, ab=ba. This means that commutative monoids are commutative, associative, and have ...
A number which can be computed to any number of digits desired by a Turing machine. Surprisingly, most irrationals are not computable numbers!
Some computations allow shortcuts which can be used to speed them up. Consider the operation of raising a number to a positive integer power. It is possible, for example, to ...
Let x->y and u->v be two rules of a term rewriting system, and suppose these rules have no variables in common. If they do, rename the variables. If x_1 is a subterm of x (or ...
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