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741 - 750 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results
The Euler polynomial E_n(x) is given by the Appell sequence with g(t)=1/2(e^t+1), (1) giving the generating function (2e^(xt))/(e^t+1)=sum_(n=0)^inftyE_n(x)(t^n)/(n!). (2) ...
The W polynomials obtained by setting p(x)=x and q(x)=1 in the Lucas polynomial sequence. (The corresponding w polynomials are called Lucas polynomials.) They have explicit ...
The golden triangle, sometimes also called the sublime triangle, is an isosceles triangle such that the ratio of the hypotenuse a to base b is equal to the golden ratio, ...
Let s=1/(sqrt(2pi))[Gamma(1/4)]^2=5.2441151086... (1) (OEIS A064853) be the arc length of a lemniscate with a=1. Then the lemniscate constant is the quantity L = 1/2s (2) = ...
The Maclaurin trisectrix is a curve first studied by Colin Maclaurin in 1742. It was studied to provide a solution to one of the geometric problems of antiquity, in ...
A k-matching in a graph G is a set of k edges, no two of which have a vertex in common (i.e., an independent edge set of size k). Let Phi_k be the number of k-matchings of ...
A Pierpont prime is a prime number of the form p=2^k·3^l+1. The first few Pierpont primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 37, 73, 97, 109, 163, 193, 257, 433, 487, 577, 769, ... ...
In the 1980s, Samuel Yates defined a titanic prime to be a prime number of at least 1000 decimal digits. The smallest titanic prime is 10^(999)+7. As of 1990, more than 1400 ...
For p an odd prime and a positive integer a which is not a multiple of p, a^((p-1)/2)=(a/p) (mod p), where (a|p) is the Legendre symbol.
Let f(x) be integrable in [-1,1], let (1-x^2)f(x) be of bounded variation in [-1,1], let M^' denote the least upper bound of |f(x)(1-x^2)| in [-1,1], and let V^' denote the ...
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