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1281 - 1290 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results

Given five equal disks placed symmetrically about a given center, what is the smallest radius r for which the radius of the circular area covered by the five disks is 1? The ...
An object created by folding a piece of paper along certain lines to form loops. The number of states possible in an n-flexagon is a Catalan number. By manipulating the ...
The fourth group isomorphism theorem, also called the lattice group isomorphism theorem, lets G be a group and let N⊴G, where N⊴G indicates that N is a normal subgroup of G. ...
Let R be a ring, and let I be an ideal of R. The correspondence A<->A/I is an inclusion preserving bijection between the set of subrings A of R that contain I and the set of ...
A subset G subset R of the real numbers is said to be a G_delta set provided G is the countable intersection of open sets. The name G_delta comes from German: The G stands ...
Gabriel's horn, also called Torricelli's trumpet, is the surface of revolution of the function y=1/x about the x-axis for x>=1. It is therefore given by parametric equations ...
If T is a set of axioms in a first-order language, and a statement p holds for any structure M satisfying T, then p can be formally deduced from T in some appropriately ...
For the hyperbolic partial differential equation u_(xy) = F(x,y,u,p,q) (1) p = u_x (2) q = u_y (3) on a domain Omega, Goursat's problem asks to find a solution u(x,y) of (3) ...
The great snub dodecicosidodecahedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 64 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 115 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 80 (Coxeter et al. ...
Green's identities are a set of three vector derivative/integral identities which can be derived starting with the vector derivative identities del ·(psidel phi)=psidel ...
