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181 - 190 of 482 for Large Hadron ColliderSearch Results
An implicit method for solving an ordinary differential equation that uses f(x_n,y_n) in y_(n+1). In the case of a heat equation, for example, this means that a linear system ...
The numbers 2^npq and 2^nr are an amicable pair if the three integers p = 2^m(2^(n-m)+1)-1 (1) q = 2^n(2^(n-m)+1)-1 (2) r = 2^(n+m)(2^(n-m)+1)^2-1 (3) are all prime numbers ...
A shuffle of a deck of cards obtained by successively exchanging the cards in position 1, 2, ..., n with cards in randomly chosen positions. For 4<=n<=17, the most frequent ...
An existential sentence is a statement claiming the existence of an object with given properties. In the language of set theory it can be formulated as follows, exists x in U ...
A continuous statistical distribution which arises in the testing of whether two observed samples have the same variance. Let chi_m^2 and chi_n^2 be independent variates ...
The Flint Hills series is the series S_1=sum_(n=1)^infty(csc^2n)/(n^3) (Pickover 2002, p. 59). It is not known if this series converges, since csc^2n can have sporadic large ...
A gigantic prime is a prime with 10000 or more decimal digits. The first few gigantic primes are given by 10^(9999)+n for n=33603, 55377, 70999, 78571, 97779, 131673, 139579, ...
A Goldbach number is a positive integer that is the sum of two odd primes (Li 1999). Let E(x) (the "exceptional set of Goldbach numbers") denote the number of even numbers ...
Given a hereditary representation of a number n in base b, let B[b](n) be the nonnegative integer which results if we syntactically replace each b by b+1 (i.e., B[b] is a ...
The assignment of labels or colors to the edges or vertices of a graph. The most common types of graph colorings are edge coloring and vertex coloring.
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