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241 - 250 of 1310 for Lagrange Interpolating PolynomialSearch Results
If A is a normed algebra, a net {e_i} in A is called an approximate identity for A if sup_(i)|e_i|<infty and if for each a in A, e_ia->a and ae_i->a. Though this definition ...
One of the quantities lambda_i appearing in the Gauss-Jacobi mechanical quadrature. They satisfy lambda_1+lambda_2+...+lambda_n = int_a^bdalpha(x) (1) = alpha(b)-alpha(a) (2) ...
A delay differential equation (also called a differential delay equation or difference-differential equation, although the latter term has a different meaning in the modern ...
The graph product denoted G-H and defined by the adjacency relations (gadjg^') or (g=g^' and hadjh^'). The graph lexicographic product is also known as the graph composition ...
The hyperbolic polar sine is a function of an n-dimensional simplex in hyperbolic space. It is analogous to the polar sine of an n-dimensional simplex in elliptic or ...
The set of left cosets of a subgroup H of a topological group G forms a topological space. Its topology is defined by the quotient topology from pi:G->G/H. Namely, the open ...
The term "loop" has a number of meanings in mathematics. Most simply, a loop is a closed curve whose initial and final points coincide in a fixed point p known as the ...
A sequence of random variates X_0, X_1, ... with finite means such that the conditional expectation of X_(n+1) given X_0, X_1, X_2, ..., X_n is equal to X_n, i.e., ...
A function f:X->R is measurable if, for every real number a, the set {x in X:f(x)>a} is measurable. When X=R with Lebesgue measure, or more generally any Borel measure, then ...
Let g(x_1,...,x_n,y) be a function such that for any x_1, ..., x_n, there is at least one y such that g(x_1,...,x_n,y)=0. Then the mu-operator muy(g(x_1,...,x_n,y)=0) gives ...
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