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A Lindenmayer system, also known as an L-system, is a string rewriting system that can be used to generate fractals with dimension between 1 and 2. Several example fractals ...
The Peano-Gosper curve is a plane-filling function originally called a "flowsnake" by R. W. Gosper and M. Gardner. Mandelbrot (1977) subsequently coined the name Peano-Gosper ...
The Cesàro fractal is a fractal also known as the torn square fractal. The base curves and motifs for the two fractals illustrated above are shown below. Starting with a unit ...
An affine tensor is a tensor that corresponds to certain allowable linear coordinate transformations, T:x^_^i=a^i_jx^j, where the determinant of a^i_j is nonzero. This ...
Let alpha(z),gamma(z):(a,b)->R^3 be curves such that |gamma|=1 and alpha·gamma=0, and suppose that alpha and gamma have holomorphic extensions alpha,gamma:(a,b)×(c,d)->C^3 ...
An extremal graph in which the forced triangles are all the same color. Call R the number of red monochromatic forced triangles and B the number of blue monochromatic forced ...
A continuum is hereditarily decomposable if each of its subcontinua is decomposable. An interval is hereditarily decomposable, as is a circle, whereas the buckethandle (also ...
An abstract algebra concerned with results valid for many different kinds of spaces. Modules are the basic tools used in homological algebra.
A clause (i.e., a disjunction of literals) is called a Horn clause if it contains at most one positive literal. Horn clauses are usually written as L_1,...,L_n=>L(=¬L_1 v ... ...
A complex manifold for which the exterior derivative of the fundamental form Omega associated with the given Hermitian metric vanishes, so dOmega=0. In other words, it is a ...
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