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The dihedral group D_2 is a point group that is isomorphic to the vierergruppe and the finite group C_2×C_2.
Consider a finite collection of points p=(p_1,...,p_n), p_i in R^d Euclidean space (known as a configuration) and a graph G whose graph vertices correspond to pairs of points ...
The polynomials in the diagonal of the Smith normal form or rational canonical form of a matrix are called its invariant factors.
D^*Dpsi=del ^*del psi+1/4Rpsi, where D is the Dirac operator D:Gamma(S^+)->Gamma(S^-), del is the covariant derivative on spinors, and R is the scalar curvature.
"A and B are in one-to-one correspondence" is synonymous with "A and B are bijective."
The constant ratio by which all distances are increased (or decreased) in a similarity. A similarity with ratio of magnification equal to 1 is called an isometry.
To translate an object means to perform a translation. A translate of a mathematical object means a shifted (i.e., translated) version of the object. Hence, one can speak of ...
Any discrete finite wavelet transform can be represented as a matrix, and such a wavelet matrix can be computed in O(n) steps, compared to O(nlgn) for the Fourier matrix, ...
The integral transform defined by (Kphi)(x) =int_(-infty)^inftyG_(p+2,q)^(m,n+2)(t|1-nu+ix,1-nu-ix,(a_p); (b_p))phi(t)dt, where G_(c,d)^(a,b) is the Meijer G-function.
The function defined by [n]_q = [n; 1]_q (1) = (1-q^n)/(1-q) (2) for integer n, where [n; k]_q is a q-binomial coefficient. The q-bracket satisfies lim_(q->1^-)[n]_q=n. (3)
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