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Chained arrow notation is a notation which generalizes the Knuth up-arrow notation and is defined as a^...^b_()_(c)=a->b->c.
Down arrow notation is an inverse of the Knuth up-arrow notation defined by evn = lnn (1) evvn = ln^*n (2) evvvn = ln^(**)n, (3) where ln^*n is the number of times the ...
Knuth's up-arrow notation is a notation invented by Knuth (1976) to represent large numbers in which evaluation proceeds from the right (Conway and Guy 1996, p. 60): m^n ...
A notation is a set of well-defined rules for representing quantities and operations with symbols.
Arrow's paradox, also called Arrow's impossibility theorem or the general possibility theorem, states that perfect democratic voting is impossible, not just in practice but ...
A number of the form n^...^_()_(n)n, where Knuth up-arrow notation has been used. The first few Ackermann numbers are 1^1=1, 2^^2=4, and ...
The power tower of order k is defined as a^^k=a^(a^(·^(·^(·^a))))_()_(k), (1) where ^ is Knuth up-arrow notation (Knuth 1976), which in turn is defined by ...
A circle with an arrow indicating a direction.
A functor F is called contravariant if it reverses the directions of arrows, i.e., every arrow f:A-->B is mapped to an arrow F(f):F(B)-->F(A).
A functor F is called covariant if it preserves the directions of arrows, i.e., every arrow f:A-->B is mapped to an arrow F(f):F(A)-->F(B).