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A strong inequality in which a is not only less than b, but much less (by some convention) is denoted a<<b.
If f has no spectrum in [-lambda,lambda], then ||f||_infty<=pi/(2lambda)||f^'||_infty (1) (Bohr 1935). A related inequality states that if A_k is the class of functions such ...
A bounded operator T:V->W between two Banach spaces satisfies the inequality ||Tv||<=C||v||, (1) where C is a constant independent of the choice of v in V. The inequality is ...
A braid index is the least number of strings needed to make a closed braid representation of a link. The braid index is equal to the least number of Seifert circles in any ...
A convex function is a continuous function whose value at the midpoint of every interval in its domain does not exceed the arithmetic mean of its values at the ends of the ...
Let X(x)=X(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) be a random vector in R^n and let f_X(x) be a probability distribution on X with continuous first and second order partial derivatives. The Fisher ...
The isoperimetric quotient of a closed curve is defined as the ratio of the curve area to the area of a circle (A=pir_A^2) with same perimeter (p=2pir_p) as the curve, Q = ...
A theorem in the theory of univalent conformal mappings of families of domains on a Riemann surface, containing an inequality for the coefficients of the mapping functions, ...
On a measure space X, the set of square integrable L2-functions is an L^2-space. Taken together with the L2-inner product with respect to a measure mu, <f,g>=int_Xfgdmu (1) ...
The Laplacian spectral ratio R_L(G) of a connected graph G is defined as the ratio of its Laplacian spectral radius to its algebraic connectivity. If a connected graph of ...
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