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171 - 180 of 396 for Jordan DecompositionSearch Results
The inverse curve of a right strophoid with parametric equations x = (1-t^2)/(t^2+1) (1) y = (t(t^2-1))/(t^2+1) (2) for an inversion circle with radius 1 and center (1,0) is ...
The geometry of the Lie group R semidirect product with R^2, where R acts on R^2 by (t,(x,y))->(e^tx,e^(-t)y).
A space which is isomorphic to a Borel subset B of a Polish space equipped with its sigma-algebra of Borel sets.
The symmedial circle is the circumcircle of the symmedial triangle. It has circle function l=(bc(a^4-a^2b^2-b^4-a^2c^2-b^2c^2-c^4))/(2(a^2+b^2)(a^2+c^2)(b^2+c^2)), (1) which ...
A mathematical object is said to be symmetric if it is invariant ("looks the same") under a symmetry transformation. A function, matrix, etc., is symmetric if it remains ...
A knot equivalent to a polygonal knot. Knots which are not tame are called wild knots.
An inscribed angle in a semicircle is a right angle.
Also called indiscrete topology, the trivial topology is the smallest topology on a set X, namely the one in which the only open sets are the empty set and the entire set X. ...
A quantity which takes on the value zero is said to vanish identically, or sometimes simply to vanish. The term "vanish identically" is preferred when emphasis is needed that ...
A method for constructing magic squares of odd order, also called the Siamese method.