Search Results for "Irrational Number"
1351 - 1360 of 13135 for Irrational NumberSearch Results

Chvátal defines the term hole to mean "a chordless cycle of length at least four." The restriction "of length at least four" allows use of the term "hole" regardless of if ...
Consider an n×n (0, 1)-matrix such as [a_(11) a_(23) ; a_(22) a_(34); a_(21) a_(33) ; a_(32) a_(44); a_(31) a_(43) ; a_(42) a_(54); a_(41) a_(53) ; a_(52) a_(64)] (1) for ...
A minimum vertex cover is a vertex cover having the smallest possible number of vertices for a given graph. The size of a minimum vertex cover of a graph G is known as the ...
A prime factorization algorithm also known as Pollard Monte Carlo factorization method. There are two aspects to the Pollard rho factorization method. The first is the idea ...
P. G. Tait undertook a study of knots in response to Kelvin's conjecture that the atoms were composed of knotted vortex tubes of ether (Thomson 1869). He categorized knots in ...
A graph is planar if it can be drawn in a plane without graph edges crossing (i.e., it has graph crossing number 0). The number of planar graphs with n=1, 2, ... nodes are 1, ...
A permutation, also called an "arrangement number" or "order," is a rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list S into a one-to-one correspondence with S itself. The ...
If there is an integer 0<x<p such that x^2=q (mod p), (1) i.e., the congruence (1) has a solution, then q is said to be a quadratic residue (mod p). Note that the trivial ...
A repunit prime is a repunit (i.e., a number consisting of copies of the single digit 1) that is also a prime number. The base-10 repunit (possibly probable) primes ...
Vizing's theorem states that a graph can be edge-colored in either Delta or Delta+1 colors, where Delta is the maximum vertex degree of the graph. A graph with edge chromatic ...