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12751 - 12760 of 13135 for Irrational NumberSearch Results
Define a valid "coloring" to occur when no two faces with a common edge share the same color. Given two colors, there is a single way to color an octahedron (Ball and Coxeter ...
The Poussin graph is the 15-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's supposed proof ...
A power series in a variable z is an infinite sum of the form sum_(i=0)^inftya_iz^i, where a_i are integers, real numbers, complex numbers, or any other quantities of a given ...
A primitive polynomial is a polynomial that generates all elements of an extension field from a base field. Primitive polynomials are also irreducible polynomials. For any ...
A projective module generalizes the concept of the free module. A module M over a nonzero unit ring R is projective iff it is a direct summand of a free module, i.e., of some ...
Propositional calculus is the formal basis of logic dealing with the notion and usage of words such as "NOT," "OR," "AND," and "implies." Many systems of propositional ...
The pseudosphere is the constant negative-Gaussian curvature surface of revolution generated by a tractrix about its asymptote. It is sometimes also called the tractroid, ...
A notion introduced by R. M. Wilson in 1974. Given a finite graph G with n vertices, puz(G) is defined as the graph whose nodes are the labelings of G leaving one node ...
A pyramid is a polyhedron with one face (known as the "base") a polygon and all the other faces triangles meeting at a common polygon vertex (known as the "apex"). A right ...
The quadratic embedding constant QEC(G) of a finite simple connected graph G on n vertices is defined as the maximum of the product vDv over all real n-vectors v satisfying ...
