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1921 - 1930 of 2712 for Interior Point MethodSearch Results
A topological space X is pathwise-connected iff for every two points x,y in X, there is a continuous function f from [0,1] to X such that f(0)=x and f(1)=y. Roughly speaking, ...
Given a regular pentagon of unit area, mean triangle area of a triangle picked at random inside it is given by the n=5 case of polygon triangle picking, A^_ = ...
The class m, curve order n, number of ordinary double points delta, number of cusps kappa, number of inflection points (inflection points) iota, number of bitangents tau, and ...
A function f defined on a subset S subset R^n is said to be pseudoconcave if -f is pseudoconvex.
The complex plane C with the origin removed, i.e., C-{0}. The punctured plane is sometimes denoted C^* (although this notation conflicts with that for the Riemann sphere C-*, ...
A Reeb component is a Reeb foliation (M,F) whose leaves are proper. A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
An outer measure mu on R^n is Borel regular if, for each set X subset R^n, there exists a Borel set B superset X such that mu(B)=mu(X). The d-dimensional Hausdorff outer ...
A Reinhardt domain with center c is a domain D in C^n such that whenever D contains z_0, the domain D also contains the closed polydisk.
The topology induced by a topological space X on a subset S. The open sets of S are the intersections S intersection U, where U is an open set of X. For example, in the ...
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