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151 - 160 of 2712 for Interior Point MethodSearch Results
A uniform distribution of points on the circumference of a circle can be obtained by picking a random real number between 0 and 2pi. Picking random points on a circle is ...
The first Fermat point X (or F_1) (sometimes simply called "the Fermat point," Torricelli point, or first isogonic center) is the point X which minimizes the sum of distances ...
One basis point is defined to be 0.01 percentage points. Therefore, a change of 0.21% could also be expressed as a change by 21 "basis points."
A point process is a probabilistic model for random scatterings of points on some space X often assumed to be a subset of R^d for some d. Oftentimes, point processes describe ...
A point where a stable and an unstable separatrix (invariant manifold) from the same fixed point or same family intersect. Therefore, the limits lim_(k->infty)f^k(X) and ...
A type of point at infinity in which parallel lines in the hyperbolic plane intersect at infinity in one direction, while diverging from one another in the other.
A spatial point process is a point process which models data that is localized at a discrete set of locations in space or, more specifically, on a plane.
p is an equireciprocal point if, for every chord [x,y] of a curve C, p satisfies |x-p|^(-1)+|y-p|^(-1)=c for some constant c. The foci of an ellipse are equichordal points.
A point p on a regular surface M in R^3 is said to be parabolic if the Gaussian curvature K(p)=0 but S(p)!=0 (where S is the shape operator), or equivalently, exactly one of ...
A point p on a regular surface M in R^3 is said to be planar if the Gaussian curvature K(p)=0 and S(p)=0 (where S is the shape operator), or equivalently, both of the ...
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