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Zeno's paradoxes are a set of four paradoxes dealing with counterintuitive aspects of continuous space and time. 1. Dichotomy paradox: Before an object can travel a given ...
The colon is the symbol ":". It is used in a number of different ways in mathematics. 1. To denote ratio or odds, as in 2:1 (voiced "two to one"). 2. To mean such that in ...
The group algebra K[G], where K is a field and G a group with the operation *, is the set of all linear combinations of finitely many elements of G with coefficients in K, ...
When two cycles have a transversal intersection X_1 intersection X_2=Y on a smooth manifold M, then Y is a cycle. Moreover, the homology class that Y represents depends only ...
A hyperfunction, discovered by Mikio Sato in 1958, is defined as a pair of holomorphic functions (f,g) which are separated by a boundary gamma. If gamma is taken to be a ...
The Lorentz group is the group L of time-preserving linear isometries of Minkowski space R^((3,1)) with the Minkowski metric dtau^2=-(dx^0)^2+(dx^1)^2+(dx^2)^2+(dx^3)^2 ...
Call a graph vertex m(a,b,c) a median of a graph G if it lies on all shortest paths between each pair of vertices (a,b), (b,a), and (c,a) in G. A median graph is then defined ...
There are several meanings of "null vector" in mathematics. 1. The most common meaning of null vector is the n-dimensional vector 0 of length 0. i.e., the vector with n ...
A projection is the transformation of points and lines in one plane onto another plane by connecting corresponding points on the two planes with parallel lines. This can be ...
The so-called rule of three is an educational tool utilized historically to verbalize the process of solving basic linear equations with four terms where three of the terms ...
