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Taniguchi's constant is defined as C_(Taniguchi) = product_(p)[1-3/(p^3)+2/(p^4)+1/(p^5)-1/(p^6)] (1) = 0.6782344... (2) (OEIS A175639), where the product is over the primes ...
In general, a cross is a figure formed by two intersecting line segments. In linear algebra, a cross is defined as a set of n mutually perpendicular pairs of vectors of equal ...
A Hermitian form on a vector space V over the complex field C is a function f:V×V->C such that for all u,v,w in V and all a,b in R, 1. f(au+bv,w)=af(u,w)+bf(v,w). 2. ...
A representation of a Lie algebra g is a linear transformation psi:g->M(V), where M(V) is the set of all linear transformations of a vector space V. In particular, if V=R^n, ...
A subset {v_1,...,v_k} of a vector space V, with the inner product <,>, is called orthogonal if <v_i,v_j>=0 when i!=j. That is, the vectors are mutually perpendicular. Note ...
An orthogonal transformation is a linear transformation T:V->V which preserves a symmetric inner product. In particular, an orthogonal transformation (technically, an ...
A nonzero and noninvertible element a of a ring R which generates a prime ideal. It can also be characterized by the condition that whenever a divides a product in R, a ...
Let U=(U,<··>) be a T2 associative inner product space over the field C of complex numbers with completion H, and assume that U comes with an antilinear involution xi|->xi^* ...
There are (at least) two mathematical objects known as Weierstrass forms. The first is a general form into which an elliptic curve over any field K can be transformed, given ...
The algebraic identity (sum_(i=1)^na_ic_i)(sum_(i=1)^nb_id_i)-(sum_(i=1)^na_id_i)(sum_(i=1)^nb_ic_i) =sum_(1<=i<j<=n)(a_ib_j-a_jb_i)(c_id_j-c_jd_i). (1) Letting c_i=a_i and ...
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