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A scalar which reverses sign under inversion is called a pseudoscalar. For example, the scalar triple product A·(BxC) is a pseudoscalar since A·(BxC)=-[-A·((-B)x(-C))].
If N is a submodule of the module M over the ring R, the quotient group M/N has a natural structure of R-module with the product defined by a(x+N)=ax+N for all a in R and all ...
A polynomial having only real numbers as coefficients. A polynomial with real coefficients is a product of irreducible polynomials of first and second degrees.
A surface parameterized in variables u and v is called smooth if the tangent vectors in the u and v directions satisfy T_uxT_v!=0, where AxB is a cross product.
The Chern number is defined in terms of the Chern class of a manifold as follows. For any collection Chern classes such that their cup product has the same dimension as the ...
Consecutive numbers (or more properly, consecutive integers) are integers n_1 and n_2 such that n_2-n_1=1, i.e., n_2 follows immediately after n_1. Given two consecutive ...
The Pontryagin number is defined in terms of the Pontryagin class of a manifold as follows. For any collection of Pontryagin classes such that their cup product has the same ...
The Stiefel-Whitney number is defined in terms of the Stiefel-Whitney class of a manifold as follows. For any collection of Stiefel-Whitney classes such that their cup ...
If W is a simply connected, compact manifold with a boundary that has two components, M_1 and M_2, such that inclusion of each is a homotopy equivalence, then W is ...
Any composite number n with p|(n/p-1) for all prime divisors p of n. n is a Giuga number iff sum_(k=1)^(n-1)k^(phi(n))=-1 (mod n) (1) where phi is the totient function and ...
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