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The intersection product for classes of rational equivalence between cycles on an algebraic variety.
The geometry of the Lie group R semidirect product with R^2, where R acts on R^2 by (t,(x,y))->(e^tx,e^(-t)y).
A bundle or fiber bundle is trivial if it is isomorphic to the cross product of the base space and a fiber.
A product of ANDs, denoted ^ _(k=1)^nA_k. The conjunctions of a Boolean algebra A of subsets of cardinality p are the 2^p functions A_lambda= union _(i in lambda)A_i, where ...
A series sum_(n)u_n is said to converge absolutely if the series sum_(n)|u_n| converges, where |u_n| denotes the absolute value. If a series is absolutely convergent, then ...
Darboux's formula is a theorem on the expansion of functions in infinite series and essentially consists of integration by parts on a specific integrand product of functions. ...
Barban's constant is defined as C_(Barban) = product_(p)[1+(3p^2-1)/(p(p+1)(p^2-1))] (1) = 2.596536... (2) (OEIS A175640), where the product is over the primes p.
Sarnak's constant is the constant C_(Sarnak) = product_(p>=3)(1-(p+2)/(p^3)) (1) = 0.7236484022... (2) (OEIS A065476), where the product is over the odd primes.
Two subspaces S_1 and S_2 of R^n are said to be orthogonal if the dot product v_1·v_2=0 for all vectors v_1 in S_1 and all v_2 in S_2.
Dyads extend vectors to provide an alternative description to second tensor rank tensors. A dyad D(A,B) of a pair of vectors A and B is defined by D(A,B)=AB. The dot product ...
