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451 - 460 of 668 for Independent vs. dependent eventsSearch Results
In n dimensions for n>=5 the arrangement of hyperspheres whose convex hull has minimal content is always a "sausage" (a set of hyperspheres arranged with centers along a ...
A periodic minimal surface constructed by Schwarz using the following two principles: 1. If part of the boundary of a minimal surface is a straight line, then the reflection ...
If one solution (y_1) to a second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+P(x)y^'+Q(x)y=0 (1) is known, the other (y_2) may be found using the so-called reduction of ...
Special functions which arise as solutions to second order ordinary differential equations are commonly said to be "of the first kind" if they are nonsingular at the origin, ...
A curve named and studied by Newton in 1701 and contained in his classification of cubic curves. It had been studied earlier by L'Hospital and Huygens in 1692 (MacTutor ...
The silver ratio is the quantity defined by the continued fraction delta_S = [2,2,2,...] (1) = 2+1/(2+1/(2+1/(2+...))) (2) (Wall 1948, p. 24). It follows that ...
A transformation that preserves angles and changes all distances in the same ratio, called the ratio of magnification. A similarity can also be defined as a transformation ...
A single-valued function is function that, for each point in the domain, has a unique value in the range. It is therefore one-to-one or many-to-one. A single-valued complex ...
Let (x_1,x_2) and (y_1,y_2,y_3) be two sets of complex numbers linearly independent over the rationals. Then at least one of ...
If a random variable X has a chi-squared distribution with m degrees of freedom (chi_m^2) and a random variable Y has a chi-squared distribution with n degrees of freedom ...
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