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151 - 160 of 668 for Independent vs. dependent eventsSearch Results
If sets E and F are independent, then so are E and F^', where F^' is the complement of F (i.e., the set of all possible outcomes not contained in F). Let union denote "or" ...
The ratio of the independence number of a graph G to its vertex count is known as the independence ratio of G (Bollobás 1981). The product of the chromatic number and ...
If algebraic integers alpha_1, ..., alpha_n are linearly independent over Q, then e^(alpha_1), ..., e^(alpha_n) are algebraically independent over Q. The ...
The maximal matching-generating polynomial M_G(x) for the graph G may be defined as the polynomial M_G(x)=sum_(k=nu_L(G))^(nu(G))m_kx^k, where nu_L(G) is the lower matching ...
Let f_1(z), ..., f_m(z) for m>=1 be a set of E-functions that (1) form a solution of the system of differential equations y_k^'=q_(k0)+sum_(j=1)^mq_(kj)y_j for q_(kj) in C(z) ...
A point process is a probabilistic model for random scatterings of points on some space X often assumed to be a subset of R^d for some d. Oftentimes, point processes describe ...
The Abel-Plana formula gives an expression for the difference between a discrete sum and the corresponding integral. The formula can be derived from the argument principle ...
Given a power spectrum (a plot of power vs. frequency), aliasing is a false translation of power falling in some frequency range (-f_c,f_c) outside the range. Aliasing is ...
The ascending chain condition, commonly abbreviated "A.C.C.," for a partially ordered set X requires that all increasing sequences in X become eventually constant. A module M ...
B^^ = T^^xN^^ (1) = (r^'xr^(''))/(|r^'xr^('')|), (2) where the unit tangent vector T and unit "principal" normal vector N are defined by T^^ = (r^'(s))/(|r^'(s)|) (3) N^^ = ...
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