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341 - 350 of 3564 for Incomplete Beta FunctionSearch Results
Q(n), also denoted q(n) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 825), gives the number of ways of writing the integer n as a sum of positive integers without regard to order with the ...
Given a smooth function f:R^n->R^n, if the Jacobian is invertible at 0, then there is a neighborhood U containing 0 such that f:U->f(U) is a diffeomorphism. That is, there is ...
A function giving the distribution of the interpoint distances of a curve. It is defined by p(r)=1/Nsum_(ij)delta_(r_(ij)=r).
The multiplicative suborder of a number a (mod n) is the least exponent e>0 such that a^e=+/-1 (mod n), or zero if no such e exists. An e always exists if GCD(a,n)=1 and n>1. ...
The odd divisor function sigma_k^((o))(n)=sum_(d|n; d odd)d^k (1) is the sum of kth powers of the odd divisors of a number n. It is the analog of the divisor function for odd ...
An elliptic function with no poles in a fundamental cell is a constant.
The two-argument Ramanujan function is defined by phi(a,n) = 1+2sum_(k=1)^(n)1/((ak)^3-ak) (1) = 1-1/a(H_(-1/a)+H_(1/a)+2H_n-H_(n-1/a)-H_(n+1/a)). (2) The one-argument ...
The convex hull of two or more functions is the largest function that is concave from above and does not exceed the given functions.
The probability that a random integer between 1 and x will have its greatest prime factor <=x^alpha approaches a limiting value F(alpha) as x->infty, where F(alpha)=1 for ...
Given a function f(x)=f_0(x), write f_1=f^'(x) and define the Sturm functions by f_n(x)=-{f_(n-2)(x)-f_(n-1)(x)[(f_(n-2)(x))/(f_(n-1)(x))]}, (1) where [P(x)/Q(x)] is a ...