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1991 - 2000 of 3564 for Incomplete Beta FunctionSearch Results
The parametric equations for a catenary are x = t (1) y = acosh(t/a), (2) giving the evolute as x = t-a/2sinh((2t)/a) (3) y = 2acosh(t/(2a)). (4) For t>0, the evolute has arc ...
A figurate number of the form 4n^2-3n. The first few are 1, 10, 27, 52, 85, ... (OEIS A001107). The generating function giving the decagonal numbers is ...
Given a real number x, find the powers of a base b that will shift the digits of x a number of places n to the left. This is equivalent to solving b^x=b^nx (1) or x=n+log_bx. ...
Formulas expressing trigonometric functions of an angle 2x in terms of functions of an angle x, sin(2x) = 2sinxcosx (1) cos(2x) = cos^2x-sin^2x (2) = 2cos^2x-1 (3) = ...
Due to Euler's prolific output, there are a great number of theorems that are know by the name "Euler's theorem." A sampling of these are Euler's displacement theorem for ...
Consider a function f(x) in one dimension. If f(x) has a relative extremum at x_0, then either f^'(x_0)=0 or f is not differentiable at x_0. Either the first or second ...
The term faltung is variously used to mean convolution and a function of bilinear forms. Let A and B be bilinear forms A = A(x,y)=sumsuma_(ij)x_iy_i (1) B = ...
A continuous real function L(x,y) defined on the tangent bundle T(M) of an n-dimensional smooth manifold M is said to be a Finsler metric if 1. L(x,y) is differentiable at ...
If f(x) is an odd function, then a_n=0 and the Fourier series collapses to f(x)=sum_(n=1)^inftyb_nsin(nx), (1) where b_n = 1/piint_(-pi)^pif(x)sin(nx)dx (2) = ...
The Gallatly circle is the circle with center at the Brocard midpoint X_(39) and radius R_G = Rsinomega (1) = (abc)/(2sqrt(a^2b^2+a^2c^2+b^2c^2)), (2) where R is the ...
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