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A proof of a formula on limits based on the epsilon-delta definition. An example is the following proof that every linear function f(x)=ax+b (a,b in R,a!=0) is continuous at ...
The Euler infinity point is the intersection of the Euler line and line at infinity. Since it lies on the line at infinity, it is a point at infinity. It has triangle center ...
Euler integration was defined by Schanuel and subsequently explored by Rota, Chen, and Klain. The Euler integral of a function f:R->R (assumed to be piecewise-constant with ...
Define the Euler measure of a polyhedral set as the Euler integral of its indicator function. It is easy to show by induction that the Euler measure of a closed bounded ...
The radical circle of the excircles has center at the Spieker center X_(10) and radius R_E=1/2sqrt((a^2b+ab^2+a^2c+abc+b^2c+ac^2+bc^2)/(a+b+c)). Its circle function is ...
The exsecant is a little-used trigonometric function defined by exsec(x)=secx-1, (1) where secx is the secant. The exsecant can be extended to the complex plane as ...
Given a semicircular hump f(x) = sqrt(L^2-(x-L)^2) (1) = sqrt((2L-x)x), (2) the Fourier coefficients are a_0 = 1/2piL (3) a_n = ((-1)^nLJ_1(npi))/n (4) b_n = 0, (5) where ...
F_x[sin(2pik_0x)](k) = int_(-infty)^inftye^(-2piikx)((e^(2piik_0x)-e^(-2piik_0x))/(2i))dx (1) = 1/2iint_(-infty)^infty[-e^(-2pii(k-k_0)x)+e^(-2pii(k+k_0)x)]dx (2) = ...
A one-dimensional map whose increments are distributed according to a normal distribution. Let y(t-Deltat) and y(t+Deltat) be values, then their correlation is given by the ...
An infinitesimal which is not the differential of an actual function and which cannot be expressed as dz=((partialz)/(partialx))_ydx+((partialz)/(partialy))_xdy, the way an ...
