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21 - 30 of 308 for Hypothesis TestingSearch Results
A test which always identifies prime numbers correctly, but may incorrectly identify a composite number as a prime.
A test for the primality of Fermat numbers F_n=2^(2^n)+1, with n>=2 and k>=2. Then the two following conditions are equivalent: 1. F_n is prime and (k/F_n)=-1, where (n/k) is ...
MANOVA ("multiple analysis of variance") is a procedure for testing the equality of mean vectors of more than two populations. The technique is analogous to ANOVA for ...
An error in a statistical test which occurs when a false hypothesis is accepted (a false positive in terms of the null hypothesis).
An error in a statistical test which occurs when a true hypothesis is rejected (a false negative in terms of the null hypothesis).
A primality test is a test to determine whether or not a given number is prime, as opposed to actually decomposing the number into its constituent prime factors (which is ...
In August 2002, M. Agrawal and colleagues announced a deterministic algorithm for determining if a number is prime that runs in polynomial time (Agrawal et al. 2004). While ...
Let n-1=FR where F is the factored part of a number F=p_1^(a_1)...p_r^(a_r), (1) where (R,F)=1, and R<sqrt(n). Pocklington's theorem, also known as the Pocklington-Lehmer ...
A witness is a number which, as a result of its number theoretic properties, guarantees either the compositeness or primality of a number n. Witnesses are most commonly used ...
A modified Miller's primality test which gives a guarantee of primality or compositeness. The algorithm's running time for a number n has been proved to be as ...
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