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A function f(x) has a spinode (also called a horizontal cusp) at a point x_0 if f(x) is continuous at x_0 and lim_(x->x_0)f^'(x)=infty from one side while ...
A fixed point for which the eigenvalues are complex conjugates.
Johnson solid J_4. The bottom eight polyhedron vertices are (+/-1/2(1+sqrt(2)),+/-1/2,0),(+/-1/2,+/-1/2(1+sqrt(2)),0), and the top four polyhedron vertices are ...
When can homology classes be realized as the image of fundamental classes of manifolds? The answer is known, and singular bordism groups provide insight into this problem.
A surface generated by the parametric equations x(u,v) = ucosv (1) y(u,v) = usinv (2) z(u,v) = vcosu. (3) The above image uses u in [-4,4] and v in [0,6.25]. The coefficients ...
The locus of points whose first polars with regard to the curves of a linear net have a common point. It is also the locus of points of concurrence of line polars of points ...
A map phi:M->M where M is a manifold is C^r structurally stable if any C^r perturbation is topologically conjugate to phi. Here, C^r perturbation means a function psi such ...
Let C be a category. Then D is said to be a subcategory of C, if the objects of D are also objects of C, if the morphisms of D are also morphisms of C, and if D is a category ...
Let sigma_0(n) and sigma_1(n) denote the number and sum of the divisors of n, respectively (i.e., the zeroth- and first-order divisor functions). A number n is called sublime ...
A subring of a ring R is a subgroup of R that is closed under multiplication.
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