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The Mandelbar set is a fractal set analogous to the Mandelbrot set or its generalization to a higher power with the variable z replaced by its complex conjugate z^_.
A set of maximum degree to which all other degrees of recursively enumerable sets can be many-one reduced. If set A is many-one complete, then it is one-one complete, and ...
The Diophantine equation x^2+y^2+z^2=3xyz. The Markov numbers m are the union of the solutions (x,y,z) to this equation and are related to Lagrange numbers.
The process of computing a matrix inverse.
A polynomial with matrix coefficients. An nth order matrix polynomial in a variable t is given by P(t)=A_0+A_1t+A_2t^2+...+A_nt^n, where A_k are p×p square matrices.
The rank of a matrix or a linear transformation is the dimension of the image of the matrix or the linear transformation, corresponding to the number of linearly independent ...
A set of vectors is maximally linearly independent if including any other vector in the vector space would make it linearly dependent (i.e., if any other vector in the space ...
The hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials defined by P_n^((lambda))(x;phi)=((2lambda)_n)/(n!)e^(inphi)_2F_1(-n,lambda+ix;2lambda;1-e^(-2iphi)), (1) where (x)_n is the ...
The nth-order Menger sponge graph is the connectivity graph of cubes in the nth iteration of the Menger sponge fractal. The first two iterations are shown above. The n-Menger ...
An asymmetrical apodization function defined by M(x,b,d)={0 for x<-b; (x-b)/(2b) for -b<x<b; 1 for b<x<b+2d; 0 for x<b+2d, (1) where the two-sided portion is 2b long (total) ...
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