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Euclidean n-space is denoted R^n.
A long division in which most or all of the digits are replaced by a symbol (usually asterisks) to form a cryptarithmetic.
The continuous image of a Polish space, also called an analytic set.
A type II Markov move.
A real-linear vector space H equipped with a symplectic form s.
Q is said to be tightly embedded if |Q intersection Q^g| is odd for all g in G-N_G(Q), where N_G(Q) is the normalizer of Q in G.
Let S be a collection of subsets of a set X, mu:S->[0,infty] a set function, and mu^* the outer measure induced by mu. The measure mu^_ that is the restriction of mu^* to the ...
Conformal latitude is defined by chi = 2tan^(-1){tan(1/4pi+1/2phi)[(1-esinphi)/(1+esinphi)]^(e/2)}-1/2pi (1) = ...
There are several different definitions of conical coordinates defined by Morse and Feshbach (1953), Byerly (1959), Arfken (1970), and Moon and Spencer (1988). The ...
A bounded linear operator T in B(H) on a Hilbert space H is said to be cyclic if there exists some vector v in H for which the set of orbits ...
