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If f:D->Y is a map (a.k.a. function, transformation, etc.) over a domain D, then the image of f, also called the range of D under f, is defined as the set of all values that ...
An image of an object obtained by reflecting it in a mirror so that the signs of one of its coordinates are reversed.
Let f:A->B be a map between sets A and B. Let Y subset= B. Then the preimage of Y under f is denoted by f^(-1)(Y), and is the set of all elements of A that map to elements in ...
A nonlinear deconvolution technique used in deconvolving images from the Hubble Space Telescope before corrective optics were installed.
There are several functions called "Lommel functions." One type of Lommel function appear in the solution to the Lommel differential equation and are given by ...
A deconvolution algorithm (sometimes abbreviated MEM) which functions by minimizing a smoothness function ("entropy") in an image. Maximum entropy is also called the ...
A finite set of contraction maps w_i for i=1, 2, ..., N, each with a contractivity factor s<1, which map a compact metric space onto itself. It is the basis for fractal image ...
An object is amphichiral (also called reflexible) if it is superposable with its mirror image (i.e., its image in a plane mirror).
The span of an unoriented link diagram (also called the link spread) is the difference between the highest and lowest degrees of its bracket polynomial. The span is a ...
The dimension of a partially ordered set P=(X,<=) is the size of the smallest realizer of P. Equivalently, it is the smallest integer d such that P is isomorphic to a ...
