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A graph with a finite number of nodes and edges. If it has n nodes and has no multiple edges or graph loops (i.e., it is simple), it is a subgraph of the complete graph K_n. ...
A connected labeled graph with n graph edges in which all graph vertices can be labeled with distinct integers (mod n) so that the sums of the pairs of numbers at the ends of ...
Call a graph vertex m(a,b,c) a median of a graph G if it lies on all shortest paths between each pair of vertices (a,b), (b,a), and (c,a) in G. A median graph is then defined ...
The molecular topological index is a graph index defined by MTI=sum_(i=1)^nE_i, where E_i are the components of the vector E=(A+D)d, with A the adjacency matrix, D the graph ...
A plane figure or solid compound consisting of multiple connected copies of a given base shape. For example, affixing n equal squares gives an n-polyomino, while affixing n ...
A scale-free network is a connected graph or network with the property that the number of links k originating from a given node exhibits a power law distribution ...
A connected graph having e graph edges is said to be sequential if it is possible to label the nodes i with distinct integers f_i in {0,1,2,...,e-1} such that when graph edge ...
A spanning tree of a graph on n vertices is a subset of n-1 edges that form a tree (Skiena 1990, p. 227). For example, the spanning trees of the cycle graph C_4, diamond ...
The Wiener sum index WS is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes by WS=1/2sum_(i=1)^nsum_(j=1)^n((d)_(ij))/((Omega)_(ij)), where (d)_(ij) is the graph distance matrix ...
The bipartite double graph, also called the Kronecker cover, Kronecker double cover, bipartite double cover, canonical double cover, or bipartite double, of a given graph G ...
