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21 - 30 of 144 for Hexgaonal GridSearch Results
Turmites, also called turning machines, are 2-dimensional Turing machines in which the "tape" consists of a grid of spaces that can be written and erased by an active ...
Polypons are polyforms obtained from dividing a regular triangular grid into 30-30-120 triangles, illustrated above. The numbers of polypons with n=1, 2, ... components are ...
Polyrects are polyforms obtained from a rectangular grid, illustrated above. The numbers of polyrects with n=1, 2, ... components are 1, 2, 3, 9, 21, 68, 208, ... (OEIS ...
Polyrhombs are polyforms obtained from a rhombic grid, illustrated above. The numbers of polyrhombs with n=1, 2, ... components are 1, 1, 3, 7, 20, 62, 204, ... (OEIS ...
Any partition of the plane into regions of equal area has perimeter at least that of the regular hexagonal grid (i.e., the honeycomb, illustrated above). Pappus refers to the ...
The mapping of a grid of regularly ruled squares onto a cone with no overlap or misalignment. Cone nets are possible for vertex angles of 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 ...
Polykites are polyforms obtained from a regular triangular grid superposed on a regular hexagonal grid (its dual), illustrated above. The monokite is therefore a ...
A 4-state two-dimensional Turing machine invented in the 1980s. The ant starts out on a grid containing black and white cells, and then follows the following set of rules. 1. ...
A longimeter is a transparent sheet of plastic with a regular grid of lines inclined at an angle of 30 degrees to the sides of the sheet. By counting the number of squares ...
Go is played on a 19×19 grid, with pieces being placed at the intersections of grid lines, rather than in the middle of them. Go boards have a number of peculiarities, ...
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