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A field which is complete with respect to a discrete valuation is called a local field if its field of residue classes is finite. The Hasse principle is one of the chief ...
A number of areas of mathematics have the notion of a "dual" which can be applies to objects of that particular area. Whenever an object A has the property that it is equal ...
Consider expressions built up from variables and constants using function symbols. If v_1, ..., v_n are variables and t_1, ..., t_n are expressions, then a set of mappings ...
The union of two sets A and B is the set obtained by combining the members of each. This is written A union B, and is pronounced "A union B" or "A cup B." The union of sets ...
Transfinite induction, like regular induction, is used to show a property P(n) holds for all numbers n. The essential difference is that regular induction is restricted to ...
Arrow's paradox, also called Arrow's impossibility theorem or the general possibility theorem, states that perfect democratic voting is impossible, not just in practice but ...
The conditional probability of an event A assuming that B has occurred, denoted P(A|B), equals P(A|B)=(P(A intersection B))/(P(B)), (1) which can be proven directly using a ...
The property of being continuous.
The mathematical study of how to manipulate the parameters affecting the behavior of a system to produce the desired or optimal outcome.
A ring without zero divisors in which an integer norm and an associated division algorithm (i.e., a Euclidean algorithm) can be defined. For signed integers, the usual norm ...